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Step-by-Step Guide
Navigate to the PCM Token Wallet & Select Mainnet:
To get started, open the PCM Wallet app and click the wallet button located in the middle of the screen. Make sure you select the mainnet. This ensures that you are creating a wallet address on the mainnet instead of the testnet. Click on the "create contract address" button.
Confirmation Page & sign with account password
You will be directed to a confirmation page. Please ensure you read the details carefully and back up your account securely. Note that if you forget your passwords and do not set up guardian accounts for social recovery, you will not be able to access your wallet or funds.
After reading the information, check all three boxes to confirm you understand and agree with the information mentioned. Enter your PCM Wallet login password to confirm and create your mainnet address.
Queue Process
You will be placed in a queue. If you see the display "In the queue," please wait for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. If the process fails, you will see the button "create mainnet address" again. In this case, the mainnet address creation has failed, and you need to repeat the steps to create the address again. Currently, we are receiving a large number of requests, and the blockchain may be overloaded. If you encounter issues, please try again later. FAQ
Why is my PCM mainnet wallet balance zero?
Your PCM points in the PCM points wallet have not been migrated to the mainnet. Please refer to our announcement regarding the upcoming migration plan for more details.
Important Notes
Always ensure you securely back up your account information.
Setting up guardian accounts for social recovery is crucial to prevent loss of access to your funds.